Condenser Services
Condenser Performance Evaluation
Step 2: Condenser Inspection and Instrumentation
Condenser Performance Evaluation
Step 2: Condenser Inspection and Instrumentation
During the condenser inspection, Bionetics’ engineering team enters the condenser and verifies that the drawings match the current design. We often observe modifications and original construction changes that have not been updated on drawings. During the inspection we also look for expected flow/corrosion patterns, as predicted during the drawing review. The inspection is also used as a fact gathering exercise, to note dimensions and clearances for later phases of the Power Plant Condenser Services. Where appropriate, a report is generated that discusses key findings.
Condenser inspections help identify why two identically designed condensers, at the same plant, operate differently. Inspections conducted at a number of units have revealed construction problems with air removal sections, damaged piping, and un-recorded modifications. These issues, which had otherwise been undetected, had a large impact on measured condenser performance and on the design modifications that were subsequently proposed.
Use the form on this page to submit your inquiry today for us to review the condenser problems/issues you wish to address.