Condenser Monitoring System

The Condenser Monitoring System (CMS) integrates instrumentation that allows for a comprehensive examination of condenser performance. This unique package of instruments is specifically designed to provide direct identification of performance degradation mechanisms and additional data that exceed the requirements of instrumentation outlined in ASME PTC 12.2.

What Are the Benefits?

A complete system will provide data used to derive information for quantifying specific degradation mechanisms such as microfouling, macrofouling, cooling water flow, waterbox fill, air binding, low vacuum equipment capacity and condensate inundation. In essence, this system puts a microscope on your condensing heat exchanger and empowers engineers with direct measurements to identify issues outside of the normal function of condenser maintenance, enabling them to organize actionable effort.

With this information, you can monitor and evaluate:

  • Cooling water system changes
  • Fouling control systems
  • Waterbox eductors
  • Vacuum equipment
  • Operation of a new or refurbished condenser

What comes with a Condenser Monitoring System? 

Recommendations for a Condenser Monitoring System will vary depending on the specific needs of the plant, but here are the typical instruments used in a CMS:
Condenser Monitoring system

  • RheoVac Air In-leak Monitors are installed in the individual vent lines and common vent line leading to the exhausters to provide air in-leak, venting equipment capacity, and other unique measurements indicative of the effectiveness of condenser design. Click here for more details on the RheoVac instrument.
  • Pressure/Temperature (P/T) Instruments are installed in the shell wall near the tube bundle. A condenser model is used to evaluate and select the appropriate location that results in accurate performance monitoring. The instruments include test grade absolute pressure and temperature sensors for measuring condenser steam properties.
  • Temperature Instruments are in the circulating water system to measure average inlet and outlet temperatures. Calculations and experience of personnel are used to evaluate and select appropriate locations that result in accurate performance monitoring. The instruments are manufactured and calibrated to implement ASME PTC 12.2 Performance tests. The location and accuracy of these measurements is critical for performance monitoring and trending.

Condenser Performance Monitoring Instruments

How Do I Get One?

Complete the Request A Quote form on this page to send us your application data to review, or visit our contact us page for telephone, fax and email information.

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Unit Number

Unit Power Max(MW)*

Fuel Type*

Condenser Manufacturer

Condenser Configuration

Describe problem/concerns