Condenser Performance Evaluation
Step 1: Basic Performance Evaluation
Condenser drawings and plant operating data are reviewed to assess the magnitude of the problem and the underlying cause. Bionetics examines historical data related to dissolved gases, cleanliness factor, circulating water flow, heat rate, heat transfer coefficients, and other parameters associated with the specific problem that has been identified, as well as other contributing factors such as air binding.
The necessary plant data includes all of the inputs required to determine heat transfer coefficients, including measurement of all dissolved gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide and ammonia. An important outcome of the analysis is verifying the compatibility between related instrument outputs that have been used to collect the data.
In addition to the plant data, the drawings necessary to complete a thorough analysis and develop a plan for addressing the identified problem should provide the following:
- Tube sheet layout
- Air removal section design
- Baffling/condensate tray configuration
- Vacuum vent line layout
- Hotwell configuration
- Exhauster types, model and capacity
Bionetics identifies the design configurations that are causing poor condenser performance and provides a report of the findings. As an example, the report may include information on how a plant can change operations, measurements or maintenance practices to solve the problem. The report will also identify whether the condenser is a candidate for small fixes or if other modifications are needed to improve condenser performance.
It is very difficult to find two condensers that operate identically, even if they were constructed from the same set of drawings. The Plant Data and Drawing Review identifies the subtle differences that can exist in performance, caused by small variations in assembly, and establishes a baseline for the rest of the program. Without the Plant Data and Condenser Drawing Review, our condenser services would simply be experience based. Instead, our program is based on a thorough understanding and application of physics and engineering principles. It is driven by operational data, and the service for each customer is unique in approach and solution. Differences in the construction configuration of the condenser are incorporated into estimated performance losses, which are identified in the follow-on condenser inspection.
Use the form on this page to submit your inquiry today for us to review the condenser problems/issues you wish to address.