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A Voyage on the Seven C’s – Phase II Common Cause Correction of a Condenser’s Conduct & Condensate Chemistry

Harpster, T.J., & Harpster, J.W.

“A Voyage on the Seven C’s – Phase II Common Cause Correction of a Condenser’s Conduct & Condensate Chemistry” EPRI International Conference on Cycle Chemistry, Boston, MA, June 30-July 2, 2009.


Experiences in power plant chemistry has moved beyond understanding chemical reactions, controlling reaction rate or preventing reactions from occurring. Today, emphasis is placed on root cause analysis that demands a holistic approach employing multidisciplinary problem solving methods. This may be accomplished through a team effort or the chemist becoming more aware of analytical tools available in the fields of physics and engineering disciplines such as electrical and mechanical methods. This paper emphasizes the former where the efforts of chemistry and performance engineering experts can be combined for the benefit of both. Predicted benefits and measured results of a condenser that underwent a retrofit during a conventional retubing is presented showing exceptional results. The retrofit employed patented methods and was designed using Comprehensive Condenser Model and Method (C2M2) modeling methods previously presented by the authors. The benefits of lower condenser operating pressure, and near elimination of condensate dissolved gases are tracked to a common root cause. References to pertinent EPRI documents relative to this subject are provided.

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